I am childfree by choice
Morbid fear of children, finding giving birth revolting, valuing my freedom too much. These are all reasons given by women who chose to not have children in today´s article in the UK Mirror.
I have never had the urge to want children either. Ever since I was a young girl, I was more into playing with my brother´s cowboy toys or knights´ fortress set rather than with my sister who was forever begging me to play with her Barbie dolls with her. I must admit that I was a bit of a tomboy, a very hyperactive child, always getting into trouble, always liking boy stuff such as football, climbing trees and skateboarding. Even back then, I did not want children “when I grow up”.
At 25 and having had severe period pains for 2-3 days every month since age 13, I wanted a hysterectomy, knowing that I´d never want children anyway. I told my GP and he just laughed and said “you can´t just have a hysterectomy because you wish it, there have to be reasons for it”. Yes, my reasons are I don´t want painful periods any longer and I don´t want children. And then the reply I heard all my life “ah, but you´ll change your mind“.
No I won´t.
At 35 I still didn´t want children and now at 46 I am glad I didn´t have any children, and *still* don´t want any!
I am lucky to live in a time and century where this is acceptable, but I still come across many people to whom I have to justify myself, asking me “how can you not like or want children?”. Instead of going into a longwinded answer, nowadays I simply say, “I just don´t” and give them a superior, knowing smile – which usually shuts them up about the matter. And I do feel superior in the matter about my choice, not just for my own personal reasons, but because I know I am not contributing further to this planet´s severe overpopulation problem. I have a sister who has 4 children (from 2 different fathers) and a brother who has 2 children (from 2 different mothers), so I think my family has already done more than enough to carry on the family name.
There have been people in my past who rumoured that I might be gay because I don´t have a boyfriend or any children. Whether I am or not is nobody´s business, but I´m not gay for the record, and there are enough lesbian couples out there who have and like children because they can adopt. I myself prefer the company of my 3 cats – because it keeps things quiet and peaceful on the home front. And that´s something I would never have had with children, and eventually grandchildren, around….
I swear that most of the people who try to convince me that I’m wrong usually have kids themselves and seem to be trying to convince themselves that they did the right thing. And maybe they did, but everyone is an individual!
Yeah, I try and respect everyone, even the breeders, it´s a free world after all….