I believe that any kind of “day” that has been made up by us to raise awareness or help create equality really is a lot of bullsh*t. I believe it actually separates us further, rather than bring us together. We should be concentrating on us all, the human race as a whole, and not separate…
I want you to meet Dylan Kendall, a professional cat rescuer & talented artist! In her spare time she helps rescue and find homes for homeless four pawed cats. Most recently, she was able to trap a starving kitten by her home who spent an entire night crying for help. All it took was a…
Morbid fear of children, finding giving birth revolting, valuing my freedom too much. These are all reasons given by women who chose to not have children in today´s article in the UK Mirror. I have never had the urge to want children either. Ever since I was a young girl, I was more into…
Why am I up at the crack of dawn?! Oh yeah. It’s my Lugosi alarm clock again, sitting on my chest, purring, licking my face and noisily demeowmanding breakfast. Anybody know how I can fix this without killing the darn cat? Related articles, courtesy of Zemanta: Cat Alarm Clock