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SARA Lanzarote Animal Shelter Open Day – Promoting Adoptions

Our local animal shelter had an open day today to promote adoptions of pet dogs and cats. The event was incredibly well attended, but as I am more interested in socialising with kitties (and dogs too, but they tire me out too much!), most of the photos featured here are of — yes you guessed…

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My Article on Catster.com: The Feral Cats of Lanzarote

Woot! Fame at last! I have been published. 😉 Recently Catster emailed me asking me why I don´t write for them? So as a first effort, naturally, I chose the subject of the feral kitties on the island I live on and the charity work that 9 Lives Lanzarote does. I hope you enjoy reading…

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Feline Eating Disorders – Is there such a thing?

Just like humans, all cats are different.  This also means that they have different tastes in food and different eating habits. None of my three cats has what I would call “normal” behaviour towards food.  Lugosi is “the feline dustbin”, Ruby eats and picks at her meals like a bird, and Spider…. well, the latter…


Kitty Alarm Clock

Why am I up at the crack of dawn?!  Oh yeah. It’s my Lugosi alarm clock again, sitting on my chest, purring, licking my face and noisily demeowmanding breakfast. Anybody know how I can fix this without killing the darn cat? Related articles, courtesy of Zemanta: Cat Alarm Clock
