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My Article on Catster.com: The Feral Cats of Lanzarote

Woot! Fame at last! I have been published. 😉 Recently Catster emailed me asking me why I don´t write for them? So as a first effort, naturally, I chose the subject of the feral kitties on the island I live on and the charity work that 9 Lives Lanzarote does. I hope you enjoy reading…

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Hot Surfer Babe supports No Oil Canarias Action

With Repsol and 2 other oil multinationals on our doorsteps and ready to drill into the ocean floor unless we stop them (and we bloody well WILL!), we are getting a lot of support from all over the place, including this cute, blonde surfer babe…. NO to Oil in the Canary Islands – Sign the…

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The Communication Problems of Today

This is something that came up in a (private FB message) conversation with a friend, and I just thought I need to get this off my chest. It´s about trying to reach somebody by phone and them never getting back to you, every single time you call them or text them, and them saying they…


“Franklyn” – Film Review

“Franklyn” – surely is one of the most wicked films I have seen recently!  Spinning three stories set in two parallel dimensions (two set in contemporary London and the other in the fictional, steampunky, apocalyptic looking “Meanwhile City”), the three stories eventually come together in one fascinating finale…. those who know me know that I…
