

I cut into my fingernail with a knife the other day.  Yeah, stupid clumsy me, it´s always the same story!  Some days I just have no coordination, drop things, accidentally smash plates, walk into door frames and generally hurt myself randomly.  The bright side is (there is always a bright side to everything!)…. at least…


Kitty Alarm Clock

Why am I up at the crack of dawn?!  Oh yeah. It’s my Lugosi alarm clock again, sitting on my chest, purring, licking my face and noisily demeowmanding breakfast. Anybody know how I can fix this without killing the darn cat? Related articles, courtesy of Zemanta: Cat Alarm Clock


New Blog

I have decided that since my Kitty Pic Blog over at www.themadcatlady.com is really just for what it says on the tin, to create this new blog here which will contain my writings, ramblings, moans and general rants about people and the state of the World today. Plus of course Cat Stuff! So I welcome…
